How to Celebrate Gum Disease Awareness Month

Ah, it’s February again! A favorite month for many, it’s time for Valentine’s chocolates, flowers, and cute dates. However, have you ever considered giving that “special somebody” a Gum Disease Awareness brochure instead? While they might be mildly upset about the lack of chocolate, at least they won’t have to worry about gum disease! We also protect your loved ones by providing gum disease treatments in San Antonio, Texas. 


What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is a severe infection within the gums. Gym disease can cause bone decay, tooth loss, swollen gums, and bleeding if left unchecked. While genetics may occasionally link to gum disease is largely preventable with healthy habits. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups prevent most gum disease cases. 


How to Celebrate Gum Disease Awareness Month?

Ultimately, awareness is critical. If more people knew about gum disease and how to prevent it, we could save a lot of trouble in the future! While it may not be as popular as Christmas or Halloween, there’s always something we can do:


  • Step up Your Hygiene. Start by focusing on your sphere of control- which is yourself! Recommit to brushing twice a day, flossing, and bi-annual checkups. Pamper your gums with extra love and care with fluoride toothpaste, mouthwash and by brushing your tongue. Remember: everything is connected, and health in one area keeps other areas healthy.
  • Set up a Dental Checkup. If you haven’t already, set up your next appointment! Mark your calendar, and strive to keep healthy daily habits until then. If you have a family, remember to bring them as well!
  • Thank Your Local Dentist. Dentistry can be a pretty unthankful job. After all, it can be pretty stressful! Make their late-night hours a little sweeter with a gift. Be creative: a thank you card, a chocolate bar, or a new Bugatti could go a long way!
  • Spread the Word. Raise awareness for gum disease in any way you can. Tag #GumDiseaseAwarenessMonth on social media, share it with friends as a “fun fact,” or make a fun poster. We’re all in this together. 
  • Educate the Youth. Play a game, make flashcards, or surprise them with a new toothbrush. For families with children, this is an excellent opportunity to teach your children about gum disease, dental hygiene, and how to build healthy habits. Don’t let this chance slip!


Symptoms for Gum Disease

If you notice any or all of these symptoms, consult a dentist. After all, we want you to feel great!


  • Bleeding Gums. Unexplainable bleeding is a common symptom of gum disease. If you catch your gums bleeding without an apparent cause, it’s time to metaphysically “stop, drop, and roll.” 
  • Loose Teeth. Periodontitis has a nasty habit of weakening your gums and loosening your teeth. If you notice a loose tooth, it’s essential to act to prevent tooth loss. 
  • Mystery Pus. If you ever see mystery pus, it’s time to call for backup. Dr. Precious Thompson and our team will get to the bottom of this mystery better than Scooby-Doo ever could. 


Gum Disease Treatment in San Antonio, Texas 

This Gum Disease Awareness Month, we take a moment to remember all the good our gums do. After all, life would be tricky without a good pair of gums! Dr. Precious Thompson and our team know how precious your smile is. That’s why we work hard to keep your chompers chomping and your smiles smiling. Let’s celebrate this month by raising awareness for gum disease and improving our oral hygiene. 


Let’s keep your smile bright. Schedule an appointment today to get started.

Moving Forward

San Antonio TX General Dentist near meIt’s appropriate that we look to Martin Luther King Jr. for our dental inspiration this month. One of our favorite quotes from him is:

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

At Thousand Oaks Dental, we are honored to live and work in a country that honors men like Martin Luther King Jr. who helped our country move forward in many ways. His life inspires us to apply the theme and desire to move forward as well. Read more…


San Antonio TX DentistAt Thousand Oaks Dental, we’d like to wish you a very happy Independence Day on July 4th. How do you usually celebrate on July 4th? We hope your day is filled with many friends, family, and yummy foods! Celebrating this day in the United States is an important thing. It’s a way to remember and be grateful for our independence as a nation.

Dr. Thompson would also like to offer you a way be grateful for your teeth. By caring for them through preventative treatments you can declare your family’s desire to be free from cavities and tooth decay. Read more…

Thousand Oaks Dental – A Vital Part Of The San Antonio Community

San Antonio TX DentistI, Dr. Thompson, am proud to live and work in the great city of San Antonio. It’s an honor and joy to serve in a community filled with people who make our culture rich and friendly. I love opportunities to do community outreach to help enrich the place where we live. How can I not want to give back to such a great city that signifies the “Come And Take It” attitude of our history at the Alamo? Read more…

Oral Cancer Screening Could Save Your Life

San Antonio TX Oral Cancer ScreeningsOver 45,000 Americans are diagnosed with oral cancer each year, and only 57% of those newly diagnosed will be living in 5 years. There’s an easy test that can and should be utilized when you visit your dentist to discover oral cancer as early as possible.

Oral Cancer is also known as mouth cancer. It may arise as a primary lesion originating in any of the tissues in the mouth. There are several types of oral cancers, but 90% begin in the tissues that line the mouth and lips. Most commonly, oral cancers involve the tongue. It can also occur on the floor of the mouth, inside layer of the cheek, gums, lips or palate (roof of the mouth). Read more…

4 Last-Minute Tips for a Wedding-Ready Smile

San Antonio TX Cosmetic DentistryYou can’t believe how fast the big day is coming up. You’re going to be married in just a few weeks!

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Dental Checklists

San Antonio TX General Dentist

Checklists have been proven to be useful when performing tasks. In fields like aviation, construction and medical, the usage of checklists has saved lives. In less life threatening professions, checklists can help people do things more efficiently and avoid costly mistakes. In our daily routines, checklists can help ensure we are completing our tasks. Read more…