Handling Common Dental Emergencies in San Antonio, TX



An emergency happens to everyone, at any time, and in any place. Of course, no one likes accidents to happen. However, it is inevitable. No matter how one gives the effort to avoid it, mishaps are there. It has become a part of life. The good news is, people can always look for ways on how to deal with difficult situations. When it comes to dental emergencies, being knowledgeable enough on the “how-to’s” of handling them could save one’s dental health.

We at Thousand Oaks Dental understands that dental emergencies are unpredictable, that is why we leave an open schedule to provide Emergency services to our patients. We examine, offer a digital x-ray, and even offer free consultations to resolve the patient’s dental emergency issues. We specialize in handling tooth pain, loose and broken tooth, and even repairing a broken dental appliance, where usually are the most common to experience. We guarantee a safe and immediate solution to our patient’s dental emergency needs!


Emergency Dentistry


Here are the most common types of dental emergency issues and its corresponding treatment that one can do at home:

Toothache. A toothache is characterized by a sharp or dull pain in or around the tooth. A sharp tooth pain appears short and quick. For instance, it only triggers when eating or speaking and would eventually soothe after. Factors such as tooth and gum decay, infections in the gum, bruxism, or tooth sensitivity create a sharp pain in the tooth. A dull throb of the tooth often means that there is damage to the nerves. One will experience a dull ache slowly but can last for a long time. Unfortunately, it can be a sign of a more serious problem. Sometimes, toothache can also be a result of an injury.

To relieve tooth pain, create a mouth rinse by mixing a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water. Rinse the mouth after a meal or when waking up and before sleeping. Saltwater rinse is good in sanitizing the mouth. When the mouth is clean, there is a lesser risk of accumulating infections. The antiseptic properties in the salt water rinse can help prevent bacteria from growing.

Chipped Tooth. Someone with a cracked tooth might not feel any tooth pain unless the chip is large enough that it exposes the inner nerves of the tooth but if it does expose the nerves in the inner layer of the tooth, a sensitivity to hot or cold food and a pain while chewing is experienced. Biting hard substances such as ice cubes and candies, car accidents, doing extreme activities or sports without mouthguards, and bruxism is some of the most common causes of a chipped tooth.

There is no way that one can repair a chipped tooth at home. However, until one will reach the dentist’s office, to somehow reduce swelling and relieve the pain, rinse the mouth with warm water. If there is any bleeding area, apply pressure by putting a gauze or a tea bag. Put an ice pack on the side of the cheeks or lips over the broken tooth.

Loose Tooth. For adults, a loose tooth is not anymore a normal occurrence. It could be the result of an injury, teeth grinding, gum disease, pregnancy, and even osteoporosis.

When dealing with a loose tooth, it might be tempting to pull or pick the tooth; however, one should stop attempting to remove it by themselves. Doing so will increase the infection and bleeding. As much as possible, cease from biting hard foods. Keep it clean by gentle brushing, flossing, and mouth rinsing.

Broken Appliance. Some of the dental appliances such as dentures tend to wear out or break either by accidents or injury.

If a dental appliance break such as dentures, remove the loose and its broken part. Make sure to find the pieces of the broken appliance and bring it to the dentist.

Abscess. An abscessed tooth is an infection that spreads to the root tip or around the root of the tooth. The abscess is a collection of pus that is made up of a mixture of white blood cells, bacteria, and tissue debris. People with an abscessed tooth most likely to experience a throbbing toothache, tooth sensitivity, swollen gums, and fever.

To deal with abscess, maintaining proper hygiene is vital. To remove the plaque, floss the area in between the teeth. This will reduce the pain and inflammations. Also, rinse the mouth with salt water to remove bacterias.

A Word From Thousand Oaks Dental

These remedies will permanently soothe the pain and give temporary aid, however, it will not provide an accurate permanent solution to the problem. Remember that the pain will not go away on its own. It is recommended to see the dentist right away.

If you’re suffering from any of these common dental emergencies,  book your appointment immediately at Thousand Oaks Dental for your Dental Emergency needs in San Antonio. You can visit us at 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr. Suite 120 San Antonio, TX 78232.

Teeth Whitening in San Antonio, TX and the Dangers of DIY Whitening Hacks



Teeth whitening is one of the most in-demand procedures nowadays since it can provide visibly brighter teeth in a short amount of time. With its popularity, various products, brands, and kits emerged that promises excellent results. Even people from thousands of years ago came up with different techniques and solutions to make their teeth whiter since it was a sign of wealth or power. The techniques they developed may have been effective, but it offers more harm than benefits.

As the years went by different solutions were experimented to come up with the most effective teeth whitening procedure. It should be effective without causing any harm to the teeth, oral structures, and especially to the patient. It was when a dentist was experimenting with the cures of gum disease and infections that a peroxide-based solution was discovered. Not only does it offer positive reaction with the gums, but it also slightly whiten the teeth.

At Thousand Oaks Dental, we offer Professional Teeth Whitening procedures despite the high popularity of over the counter take-home kits we believe that they do not provide sufficient results and safety. The procedures we offer are meticulously performed by our dental professionals to ensure effective, safe, and comfortable treatment for the overall wellness of all our patients.

The Dangers of DIY Whitening Hacks

Over the counter, kits can be readily purchased in drugstores and online stores, but some people prefer to create DIY hacks. Dentists do not recommend these practices since it can cause harm to the teeth, oral structures, or even the overall health of a patient. Here are some examples:

  • A mixture of baking soda and lemon water. Acidic substances like lemon water can erode the enamel which makes the teeth prone to tooth decay. Mixing this acidic substance with a mild abrasive ingredient like baking soda only increases the chances of having tooth decay that can result in cavities.
  • Turmeric powder mixed with melted coconut oil. Since teeth can be porous and turmeric is often used as a natural food coloring, using it for teeth whitening can cause more stains than having whiter teeth.
  • Oil pulling using coconut oil. The American Dental Association do not recommend the use of this hack due to insufficient evidence. There are even some reports that it caused diarrhea and upset stomach after its use.
  • Brushing the teeth after rubbing apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar has an acidic property that can cause harm to the teeth’s enamel. Brushing afterward can even make the effects worse since the enamel is still weak after the contact to an acidic substance.


Anyone would want to have whiter teeth, thankfully dental offices like Thousand Oaks Dental offers Professional Teeth Whitening procedures. It is guaranteed to provide a highly effective, safe, and comfortable treatment compared to DIY hacks or kits.


Give your smile a boost! Book an appointment with Thousand Oaks Dental and check out our Teeth Whitening in San Antonio, TX. We are located at 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr. Suite 120 San Antonio, TX 78232.

Facts about Nitrous Oxide in San Antonio, TX: The Happy Air of Dentistry

Fear and anxiety in dentistry are attributed to the dentist, dental procedures, and even a dental chair! Today, patients do not have to worry about going to the dentist and receive a dental treatment because of Sedation Dentistry. Sedatives are given to patients to overcome stress, fear, and anxiousness to make oral treatments more comfortable and less of a hassle. Here at Thousand Oaks Dental, we use Nitrous Oxide as a form of sedative to make sure that our patients will have favorable dental experience.

The treatment has been around and used for decades, but some patients do not realize that is a great option when having a dental procedure.

Nitrous Oxide, or most commonly known as laughing gas, is an odorless and colorless gas that is regulated through a small mask which fits over the nose. The gas mixed with oxygen is inhaled by the patient to feel calm, relaxed, and fully comfortable. Nitrous Oxide is often used with local anesthesia to ensure that the patient is fully relaxed without triggering any negative emotions. Dentists use this type of sedation especially for those patients who are too afraid of needles.


Advantages of Nitrous Oxide

  • Patients can stay awake and aware, making them responsive during the treatment which reduces their anxiousness
  • Most patients tolerate nitrous oxide well
  • It takes effect faster and also wears off fast
  • Quickly leaves the system once the mask is removed
  • Proven safe and effective for both adults and children

Nitrous Oxide is the most widely used gas-form anesthetic under sedation dentistry because of its advantages. These make Nitrous Oxide an effective and useful option for both the dentist and patient alike.

Who are Candidates for Nitrous Oxide?

  • Patients who get scared or anxious about dental visits
  • For those who need a complex procedure which requires longer treatment duration
  • Those patients who are unable to stay still on a dental chair
  • People who have a strong gag reflex that may disrupt the dental procedure
  • People who fear needles or other dental apparatus

Quick Facts about Nitrous Oxide

  • Nitrous Oxide is used in food industries as well; used as a propellant in cooking spray, makes bags of chips puffy, and give aerosol whipped cream volume.
  • It was called “laughing gas” because of the euphoric effect it gives when inhaled.
  • Nitrous oxide used in dentistry is a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen with a 70:30 ratio respectively.
  • There are types of scented Nitrous Oxide that can be provided to make it more interesting for patients.
  • No one is allergic to nitrous oxide making it safe for everyone.

A smile is more than just an appearance. A healthy mouth is a vital aspect of the body’s overall health. Do not allow dental anxiety and worry to hinder you from attaining a healthy and perfect smile you want.


Nitrous Oxide makes dental experiences less stressful. Everyone deserves an anxious-free, comfortable dental experience. Avail of our Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry in San Antonio, TX. Book your appointment with us at Thousand Oaks Dental.


Moving Forward

San Antonio TX General Dentist near meIt’s appropriate that we look to Martin Luther King Jr. for our dental inspiration this month. One of our favorite quotes from him is:

“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”

At Thousand Oaks Dental, we are honored to live and work in a country that honors men like Martin Luther King Jr. who helped our country move forward in many ways. His life inspires us to apply the theme and desire to move forward as well. Read more…

Straight Teeth

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World Smile Day – October 6

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Reasons You May Have A Chewer In Your Family

San Antonio TX Family DentistAt Thousand Oaks Dental, we celebrate all of our patients’ unique needs. We know that every person that comes through our doors has attributes and gifts that make our world a more beautiful place. We’re thankful for each of you.

We also know that each unique patient comes with his or her own set of specific needs. Some patients have found that chewing on items helps in some ways. There are many reasons why you may have a chewer in your family. Read more…


San Antonio TX DentistAt Thousand Oaks Dental, we’d like to wish you a very happy Independence Day on July 4th. How do you usually celebrate on July 4th? We hope your day is filled with many friends, family, and yummy foods! Celebrating this day in the United States is an important thing. It’s a way to remember and be grateful for our independence as a nation.

Dr. Thompson would also like to offer you a way be grateful for your teeth. By caring for them through preventative treatments you can declare your family’s desire to be free from cavities and tooth decay. Read more…