Get Brighter, Whiter Teeth with Professional Teeth Whitening Services

Welcome to Thousand Oaks Dental, where we specialize in giving you a reason to smile. Cosmetic dentistry is our passion, and everyone should feel confident showing off their pearly whites. Dr. Precious Thompson and her team of dental professionals understand the importance of having a healthy and beautiful smile. Thousand Oaks Dental offers various services in San Antonio, Texas, to enhance your smile, including teeth whitening, veneers, and crowns. 


We use the latest technology to ensure your dental experience is as comfortable and efficient as possible. Let us transform your smile and boost your confidence today. Visit our dental office, and we’ll discuss the benefits of professional teeth whitening and why you should consider visiting our dental office for this cosmetic treatment. At Thousand Oaks Dental, we will ensure you leave with a smile you’ll love.


Why Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that can help make your teeth appear brighter, healthier, and more youthful. Looking in the mirror and noticing discolored or stained teeth can be frustrating and dampen your confidence. At Thousand Oaks Dental, we offer professional teeth whitening services that can enhance your smile and boost your self-esteem. 


Professional teeth whitening services are safe and effective:

Thousand Oaks Dental uses safe and proven methods to whiten your teeth. Our trained and experienced dental professionals will care for your teeth, and you can be assured that the whitening process is safe, effective, and comfortable.


Professional teeth whitening can improve your appearance:

Stained or discolored teeth can make you look older than your age and affect your overall appearance. Professional teeth whitening can help reverse the damage and discoloration caused by smoking, coffee, and other lifestyle factors. A brighter smile can help you feel more confident and attractive and enhance your personal and professional relationships.


Professional teeth whitening can improve your oral health:

In addition to cosmetic benefits, professional teeth whitening can improve oral health. The whitening process involves removing surface stains from your teeth, which can help reduce bacteria and plaque buildup. This can lead to improved oral hygiene and a lower risk of tooth decay and gum disease.


Professional teeth whitening can save you time and money:

Over-the-counter whitening products can be expensive and time-consuming, with mixed results. In contrast, professional teeth whitening services at Thousand Oaks Dental offer a fast, affordable, and reliable way to get the results you want. We use safe and proven methods to whiten teeth, so you can enjoy a beautiful, healthy smile without breaking the bank.


Professional teeth whitening can last a long time:

Unlike over-the-counter whitening products, which often provide temporary results, professional teeth whitening is designed to penetrate the enamel to remove even the toughest stains deeply. Our treatment uses a powerful yet safe bleaching agent that can whiten your teeth by several shades in just one session. So, say goodbye to yellow or stained teeth and hello to a brighter, more confident smile that can last a long time with our professional teeth whitening service.


Professional teeth whitening can boost your confidence:

Finally, one of the most significant benefits of professional teeth whitening is that it can boost your confidence and self-esteem. When you have a brighter, healthier smile, you will likely feel more confident in social situations, whether at work, school, or in your personal life. A beautiful smile can help you achieve your goals and improve your quality of life.


Thousand Oaks Teeth Whitening

If you’re looking for a way to enhance your smile and boost your confidence, professional teeth whitening services may be just what you need. At Thousand Oaks Dental, we offer safe, effective, and affordable teeth whitening treatments that can give you a beautiful, healthy smile. We are committed to helping you achieve optimal oral health and a smile you can be proud of! Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Thompson on our cosmetic dental services.

Understanding Dental Crowns: A Comprehensive Guide

At Thousand Oaks Dental, we specialize in restoring smiles! We offer a range of therapeutic dental solutions to help you achieve a healthier, happier smile. From root canal therapy to dental crowns, our team of experienced professionals is here in San Antonio, Texas, to give you quality, personalized care. 


We ensure that your restorative treatments are as comfortable and effective as possible. So, if you’re looking for the best place to improve the health and appearance of your teeth, you will find it at Thousand Oaks Dental.


What Are Dental Crowns?

We’re here today to discuss dental crowns: what they are, why you might need one, and what the process entails. Dental crowns are a popular and standard restorative procedure and for a good reason. We want to give our patients a thorough understanding of this process so they can make informed decisions about their dental health. 


Dental crowns are “caps” placed over a damaged tooth to restore size, shape, and function. They can be made from various materials, including porcelain, ceramic, or metal, and are custom-made to fit over the tooth. Crowns can be used to address many dental issues, including:


  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Severely decayed teeth
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Teeth that have undergone root canal therapy
  • To cover a dental implant


Why Get a Dental Crown?

Dr. Thompson may recommend a dental crown if you have significant dental damage or decay that we cannot address with a filling. We often use crowns when the tooth is too damaged for a filling but not damaged enough to require extraction. We can also use them to protect a weak tooth, hold a dental bridge in place, or enhance the appearance of a misshapen tooth.


The process of getting a dental crown typically requires two appointments. During the first appointment, our team will prepare the damaged tooth by removing the damaged portion and shaping it to fit the crown. We will then take an impression of your teeth to create a mold for the crown. We will fit you with a temporary crown while the permanent one is being made. In the second appointment, we will remove the temporary crown and place the permanent crown in place using specialized dental cement.


The cost of dental crowns can vary depending on a few factors, like the material used for the crown and any additional procedures necessary before the crown can be placed. We strive to provide affordable dental care without sacrificing quality. We believe dental care should be accessible to everyone, and we make every effort to ensure our prices are fair and transparent.

And dental crowns can last a long time. The length of time varies for each patient depending on their dental hygiene habits and the material used for the crown. However, on average, dental crowns can last 10-15 years with proper care. 


Caring for Your Dental Crown

Once your dental crown is in place, taking good care of it is essential to ensure its longevity. Practice good oral hygiene, including regular brushing and flossing, to keep your crowned tooth and surrounding teeth healthy. Avoid hard or chewy foods that could damage your crown, and avoid using your teeth to open packages or bottles. Regular dental checkups are also important to ensure the crown is still in good condition and functioning correctly.


Thousand Oaks Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are a standard and effective restorative procedure in dentistry, and Thousand Oaks Dental is here to help you understand the process involved. If you need a dental crown or have any questions, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Precious Thompson and her team. We’re committed to helping our patients achieve optimal oral health and providing the best care possible. Thank you for reading, and we hope to see you soon at Thousand Oaks Dental.

How to Celebrate Gum Disease Awareness Month

Ah, it’s February again! A favorite month for many, it’s time for Valentine’s chocolates, flowers, and cute dates. However, have you ever considered giving that “special somebody” a Gum Disease Awareness brochure instead? While they might be mildly upset about the lack of chocolate, at least they won’t have to worry about gum disease! We also protect your loved ones by providing gum disease treatments in San Antonio, Texas. 


What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is a severe infection within the gums. Gym disease can cause bone decay, tooth loss, swollen gums, and bleeding if left unchecked. While genetics may occasionally link to gum disease is largely preventable with healthy habits. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups prevent most gum disease cases. 


How to Celebrate Gum Disease Awareness Month?

Ultimately, awareness is critical. If more people knew about gum disease and how to prevent it, we could save a lot of trouble in the future! While it may not be as popular as Christmas or Halloween, there’s always something we can do:


  • Step up Your Hygiene. Start by focusing on your sphere of control- which is yourself! Recommit to brushing twice a day, flossing, and bi-annual checkups. Pamper your gums with extra love and care with fluoride toothpaste, mouthwash and by brushing your tongue. Remember: everything is connected, and health in one area keeps other areas healthy.
  • Set up a Dental Checkup. If you haven’t already, set up your next appointment! Mark your calendar, and strive to keep healthy daily habits until then. If you have a family, remember to bring them as well!
  • Thank Your Local Dentist. Dentistry can be a pretty unthankful job. After all, it can be pretty stressful! Make their late-night hours a little sweeter with a gift. Be creative: a thank you card, a chocolate bar, or a new Bugatti could go a long way!
  • Spread the Word. Raise awareness for gum disease in any way you can. Tag #GumDiseaseAwarenessMonth on social media, share it with friends as a “fun fact,” or make a fun poster. We’re all in this together. 
  • Educate the Youth. Play a game, make flashcards, or surprise them with a new toothbrush. For families with children, this is an excellent opportunity to teach your children about gum disease, dental hygiene, and how to build healthy habits. Don’t let this chance slip!


Symptoms for Gum Disease

If you notice any or all of these symptoms, consult a dentist. After all, we want you to feel great!


  • Bleeding Gums. Unexplainable bleeding is a common symptom of gum disease. If you catch your gums bleeding without an apparent cause, it’s time to metaphysically “stop, drop, and roll.” 
  • Loose Teeth. Periodontitis has a nasty habit of weakening your gums and loosening your teeth. If you notice a loose tooth, it’s essential to act to prevent tooth loss. 
  • Mystery Pus. If you ever see mystery pus, it’s time to call for backup. Dr. Precious Thompson and our team will get to the bottom of this mystery better than Scooby-Doo ever could. 


Gum Disease Treatment in San Antonio, Texas 

This Gum Disease Awareness Month, we take a moment to remember all the good our gums do. After all, life would be tricky without a good pair of gums! Dr. Precious Thompson and our team know how precious your smile is. That’s why we work hard to keep your chompers chomping and your smiles smiling. Let’s celebrate this month by raising awareness for gum disease and improving our oral hygiene. 


Let’s keep your smile bright. Schedule an appointment today to get started.

TMJ Awareness Month: Do You Know the Signs of TMJ?

Do you have jaw pain? At Thousand Oaks Dental, we offer all the dental services your family needs under one roof. We also provide essential services that are difficult to find at other dental offices, including TMJ treatment. We understand that jaw pain can interfere with your entire day, and we want to help you get out of pain quickly. We offer mouthguards, physical therapy, and heat and ice therapy to help you get relief.

Call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Precious Thompson!


November is TMJ Awareness Month

November is TMJ Awareness Month, and we want to make sure our patients are informed about the signs and symptoms of TMJ. TMJ is a disorder that affects the temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull. When this joint is not functioning correctly, it can lead to various problems, including pain, headaches, and difficulty chewing.


What are the Signs of TMJ?

There are a few different signs that you may be suffering from TMJ. If you experience any of the following, we recommend scheduling an appointment with us so we can take a look:

– Pain in the jaw, face, neck, or shoulders

– Headaches

– Difficulty chewing or pain when chewing

– Clicking or popping sound when opening or closing the mouth

– Locked jaw


What Causes TMJ?

There are a few different factors that can contribute to TMJ. Some of the most common include:

– Arthritis in the joint

– Teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism)

– Jaw injury 

– Stress 


How is TMJ treated?

The good news is that many different treatment options are available for TMJ. After examining you and assessing your symptoms, we will work with you to develop a treatment plan that may include any of the following: 

– Medication to relieve pain and inflammation 

If you are suffering from TMJ, you may seek relief from the pain and inflammation. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for TMJ, medication can be an effective treatment option. Pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or aspirin, can help to reduce swelling and ease the pain. If over-the-counter medications are insufficient, Dr. Thompson may prescribe a stronger pain reliever. In addition, corticosteroid injections can be used to reduce inflammation.

– Mouthguard to protect the teeth from grinding 

Do you wake up with a sore jaw or teeth? You may be surprised to learn that you are not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from bruxism, or tooth grinding, which is also a common cause of TMJ. Bruxism can occur during the day or at night, and it can cause a great deal of discomfort. Fortunately, there is a simple solution: a custom mouthguard. A mouth guard helps to protect your teeth from the damaging effects of grinding and can also help to alleviate some of the pain and stiffness associated with TMJ. If you think you may be suffering from bruxism or TMJ, talk to our team about getting a custom mouthguard. It may be the first step on the road to feeling better.

– Physical therapy 

At Thousand Oaks Dental, we also offer physical therapy services to help you find relief from TMJ. Our trained team members can help you strengthen the muscles in your face and neck, which can help to relieve pain and improve jaw function. In addition, physical therapy can help you learn how to practice good posture and proper jaw alignment, both of which can help reduce TMJ symptoms.

– Heat and ice therapy

Applying a cold compress to the area for 15 minutes at a time can help to reduce inflammation and ease discomfort. Alternating between hot and cold compresses can also be beneficial. Heat and ice therapy can also be used to help reduce inflammation and pain associated with TMJ. 


TMJ Treatment for Relief in San Antonio, Texas

Our goal is to provide you with the best possible care so that you can get back to your life pain-free. If you are experiencing any of the signs or symptoms of TMJ, please schedule an appointment with us so we can take a look. We offer various services to meet your needs, and we will work with you to find the best treatment plan for your situation.