San Antonio TX OrthodontistsHave you made your wish list for the holidays yet? Electronics are always a fun gift to receive. The technological advancements are so fun to discover. Wanting an updated phone? What do you think about getting things you need as a gift? Sometimes it’s more exciting to get something that you want over something that you need. Did you know that straight teeth can qualify as something that you should both need and want?

You need straight teeth because:

  • Straight teeth are easier to keep clean and can defend against periodontal disease.
  • Straight teeth prevent unnecessary wear on your teeth due to overcrowding or incorrect bites.
  • Straight teeth are less likely to be injured.
  • Straight teeth prevent jaw misalignment, which can lead to headaches and neck or face pain.
  • Straight teeth can improve your overall health by preventing oral infections that may lead to more serious health problems.

You (probably) want straight teeth because:

  •  You’re tired of avoiding selfies.
  • You want a smile you’re proud of!
  • You want something other than a closed-mouth smile.
  • You avoid looking in the mirror to see gaps or crowding.
  • You want a brilliant smile like you see so many other friends and family members enjoying.

Thousand Oaks Dental offers two orthodontic treatments for patients who want or need an aligned smile. Call our offices today to see if ClearCorrect or MTM Clear Aligner is right for you.

Posted on behalf of Thousand Oaks Dental