Top 5 Benefits of General Dentistry

Your smile is an integral part of your identity, your confidence, and your health. At Thousand Oaks Dental in San Antonio, Texas, general dentistry is not just about fixing problems; it’s a proactive, personalized approach to maintaining oral well-being. With extensive dental services rooted in the latest research and practices, Thousand Oaks Dental epitomizes the pillars of general dentistry. This blog post explores the manifold benefits of regular general dentistry, revealing why your bi-annual visit should be a non-negotiable item on your healthcare calendar.

1. Comprehensive Dental Exams

General dentistry at Thousand Oaks Dental begins with a thorough examination that dives beneath the surface to assess the health of your teeth, gums, and overall oral cavity. These exams combine the wisdom of Dr. Precious Thompson with cutting-edge diagnostic tools. 


Modern dental technology allows for early detection of issues that may not be noticeable to the untrained eye, such as cavities, gum disease, and oral cancers. The earlier these problems are caught, the more straightforward and affordable the treatment, and the less likely they are to cause further harm.

2. Dental Cleanings and Preventive Care

A beautiful smile starts with clean teeth. Regular dental cleanings are an essential part of preventive care that aids in maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Despite meticulous at-home care, plaque and tartar can develop in hard-to-reach areas. Professional cleanings at Thousand Oaks Dental remove these deposits, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease.

3. Early Detection and Treatment of Oral Health Issues

Dental problems left unaddressed can worsen over time, leading to discomfort, complicated treatment, and sometimes irreversible damage. Routine visits to our office mean developing issues are identified early, often before symptoms arise. A minor toothache could be the sign of a more significant problem that could have been resolved with early intervention.


At our clinic, Dr. Thompson employs the necessary tools to ensure various aspects of oral care for every patient in our office. If we identify a problem, you can seamlessly transition to the appropriate specialist within the same facility.

4. Customized Oral Health Plans

No two smiles are the same, and neither should be your oral health plan. At Thousand Oaks Dental, the focus on personalized treatment ensures that every aspect of your care is tailored to your unique oral health needs and goals. Dr. Thompson will consider your medical history, current lifestyle, and any relevant factors to craft a plan that prioritizes your health and aligns with your comfort level.

5. Education on Proper Oral Hygiene

Knowledge is power, and at Thousand Oaks Dental, your dental team is committed to empowering you to maintain a healthy smile at home. You’ll learn about the most effective brushing and flossing techniques and the best tools to keep your teeth clean. Dr. Thompson will discuss how lifestyle factors such as diet and smoking affect oral health. This thorough education gives you the insight to make informed decisions that positively impact your wellness.

Why Choose Thousand Oaks Dental?

Our commitment to innovation and ongoing education ensures that patients receive the highest level of care and benefit from the latest advances in dental science and technology.


When you visit us at Thousand Oaks Dental, you can expect a warm and inviting atmosphere coupled with a culture of patient-centered care. We proudly offer an array of amenities to help our patients feel relaxed and at home. From TVs in every room, beverage bar, blankets, warm towels, pillows, and free wifi, you can experience care like never before at our home-away-from-home dental clinic. 

Experience Patient-Focused Care With General Dentistry in San Antonio 

The comprehensive approach to general dentistry at Thousand Oaks Dental provides a compelling argument for integrating regular dental check-ups into your healthcare routine. The benefits go far beyond a brilliant smile—your oral health is a gateway to your overall health and well-being. Please don’t wait for an emergency to give your teeth the attention they deserve. Schedule an appointment today and discover how Thousand Oaks Dental can help you maintain a healthy, beautiful smile for life.

How to Celebrate Gum Disease Awareness Month

Ah, it’s February again! A favorite month for many, it’s time for Valentine’s chocolates, flowers, and cute dates. However, have you ever considered giving that “special somebody” a Gum Disease Awareness brochure instead? While they might be mildly upset about the lack of chocolate, at least they won’t have to worry about gum disease! We also protect your loved ones by providing gum disease treatments in San Antonio, Texas. 


What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, is a severe infection within the gums. Gym disease can cause bone decay, tooth loss, swollen gums, and bleeding if left unchecked. While genetics may occasionally link to gum disease is largely preventable with healthy habits. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups prevent most gum disease cases. 


How to Celebrate Gum Disease Awareness Month?

Ultimately, awareness is critical. If more people knew about gum disease and how to prevent it, we could save a lot of trouble in the future! While it may not be as popular as Christmas or Halloween, there’s always something we can do:


  • Step up Your Hygiene. Start by focusing on your sphere of control- which is yourself! Recommit to brushing twice a day, flossing, and bi-annual checkups. Pamper your gums with extra love and care with fluoride toothpaste, mouthwash and by brushing your tongue. Remember: everything is connected, and health in one area keeps other areas healthy.
  • Set up a Dental Checkup. If you haven’t already, set up your next appointment! Mark your calendar, and strive to keep healthy daily habits until then. If you have a family, remember to bring them as well!
  • Thank Your Local Dentist. Dentistry can be a pretty unthankful job. After all, it can be pretty stressful! Make their late-night hours a little sweeter with a gift. Be creative: a thank you card, a chocolate bar, or a new Bugatti could go a long way!
  • Spread the Word. Raise awareness for gum disease in any way you can. Tag #GumDiseaseAwarenessMonth on social media, share it with friends as a “fun fact,” or make a fun poster. We’re all in this together. 
  • Educate the Youth. Play a game, make flashcards, or surprise them with a new toothbrush. For families with children, this is an excellent opportunity to teach your children about gum disease, dental hygiene, and how to build healthy habits. Don’t let this chance slip!


Symptoms for Gum Disease

If you notice any or all of these symptoms, consult a dentist. After all, we want you to feel great!


  • Bleeding Gums. Unexplainable bleeding is a common symptom of gum disease. If you catch your gums bleeding without an apparent cause, it’s time to metaphysically “stop, drop, and roll.” 
  • Loose Teeth. Periodontitis has a nasty habit of weakening your gums and loosening your teeth. If you notice a loose tooth, it’s essential to act to prevent tooth loss. 
  • Mystery Pus. If you ever see mystery pus, it’s time to call for backup. Dr. Precious Thompson and our team will get to the bottom of this mystery better than Scooby-Doo ever could. 


Gum Disease Treatment in San Antonio, Texas 

This Gum Disease Awareness Month, we take a moment to remember all the good our gums do. After all, life would be tricky without a good pair of gums! Dr. Precious Thompson and our team know how precious your smile is. That’s why we work hard to keep your chompers chomping and your smiles smiling. Let’s celebrate this month by raising awareness for gum disease and improving our oral hygiene. 


Let’s keep your smile bright. Schedule an appointment today to get started.

TMJ Awareness Month: Do You Know the Signs of TMJ?

Do you have jaw pain? At Thousand Oaks Dental, we offer all the dental services your family needs under one roof. We also provide essential services that are difficult to find at other dental offices, including TMJ treatment. We understand that jaw pain can interfere with your entire day, and we want to help you get out of pain quickly. We offer mouthguards, physical therapy, and heat and ice therapy to help you get relief.

Call us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Precious Thompson!


November is TMJ Awareness Month

November is TMJ Awareness Month, and we want to make sure our patients are informed about the signs and symptoms of TMJ. TMJ is a disorder that affects the temporomandibular joint, which is the joint that connects the lower jaw to the skull. When this joint is not functioning correctly, it can lead to various problems, including pain, headaches, and difficulty chewing.


What are the Signs of TMJ?

There are a few different signs that you may be suffering from TMJ. If you experience any of the following, we recommend scheduling an appointment with us so we can take a look:

– Pain in the jaw, face, neck, or shoulders

– Headaches

– Difficulty chewing or pain when chewing

– Clicking or popping sound when opening or closing the mouth

– Locked jaw


What Causes TMJ?

There are a few different factors that can contribute to TMJ. Some of the most common include:

– Arthritis in the joint

– Teeth grinding or clenching (bruxism)

– Jaw injury 

– Stress 


How is TMJ treated?

The good news is that many different treatment options are available for TMJ. After examining you and assessing your symptoms, we will work with you to develop a treatment plan that may include any of the following: 

– Medication to relieve pain and inflammation 

If you are suffering from TMJ, you may seek relief from the pain and inflammation. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution for TMJ, medication can be an effective treatment option. Pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or aspirin, can help to reduce swelling and ease the pain. If over-the-counter medications are insufficient, Dr. Thompson may prescribe a stronger pain reliever. In addition, corticosteroid injections can be used to reduce inflammation.

– Mouthguard to protect the teeth from grinding 

Do you wake up with a sore jaw or teeth? You may be surprised to learn that you are not alone. Millions of Americans suffer from bruxism, or tooth grinding, which is also a common cause of TMJ. Bruxism can occur during the day or at night, and it can cause a great deal of discomfort. Fortunately, there is a simple solution: a custom mouthguard. A mouth guard helps to protect your teeth from the damaging effects of grinding and can also help to alleviate some of the pain and stiffness associated with TMJ. If you think you may be suffering from bruxism or TMJ, talk to our team about getting a custom mouthguard. It may be the first step on the road to feeling better.

– Physical therapy 

At Thousand Oaks Dental, we also offer physical therapy services to help you find relief from TMJ. Our trained team members can help you strengthen the muscles in your face and neck, which can help to relieve pain and improve jaw function. In addition, physical therapy can help you learn how to practice good posture and proper jaw alignment, both of which can help reduce TMJ symptoms.

– Heat and ice therapy

Applying a cold compress to the area for 15 minutes at a time can help to reduce inflammation and ease discomfort. Alternating between hot and cold compresses can also be beneficial. Heat and ice therapy can also be used to help reduce inflammation and pain associated with TMJ. 


TMJ Treatment for Relief in San Antonio, Texas

Our goal is to provide you with the best possible care so that you can get back to your life pain-free. If you are experiencing any of the signs or symptoms of TMJ, please schedule an appointment with us so we can take a look. We offer various services to meet your needs, and we will work with you to find the best treatment plan for your situation.

Thousand Oaks Dentist 78232

A healthy and beautiful smile can make you feel confident daily, but it requires an excellent dentist. If you are looking for a dentist who will take the time to get to know you and your dental health, you will find her in Dr. Precious Thompson. Dr. Thompson is a Thousand Oaks Dentist 78232 passionate about dentistry and will ensure her patients have healthy teeth for a lifetime. She provides personalized care that focuses on the individual, not just their teeth.


Finding the Right Dentist in the Thousand Oaks Area

Seeing the right dentist is essential for many reasons. First, they can help to prevent cavities and tooth decay. By regularly cleaning your teeth and providing fluoride treatments, dentists can help to keep your smile healthy and bright. And seeing the right dentist is an excellent way to maintain oral health. Just like seeing a doctor for regular checkups, seeing a dentist regularly can help ensure that your mouth stays healthy for years. 

When it comes to finding a dentist, there are a few things you should keep in mind. For one thing, you can ask around for recommendations. Your family and friends can be a great source of information regarding finding a good dentist. And don’t forget to check online reviews. We’d encourage you to read the online reviews posted about us because the quality of our care shows in the appreciation of our patients. 

Also, consider what your dental needs are. If you have healthy teeth and gums, you may be able to get by with a general dentist. However, if you have specific dental needs, you may need to see a specialist, such as an orthodontist or periodontist. One great thing about Thousand Oaks Dental is that we provide all the above services and more! 

We offer multiple dental services you need in one convenient location – everything from general dentistry to cosmetic dentistry. We’re a family dental office, providing care for any group, from toddlers to seniors. Our extensive service list includes:

We even specialize in convenient and health-promoting procedures that aren’t available at many dental offices, such as TMD therapy, sleep apnea treatment, customized athletic mouthguards, and wisdom teeth removal.

No matter your dental needs or condition, we are here to help. If you don’t see the service you need on our list, feel free to contact us. We’ll either care for your dental needs or find someone who can!

Another great way to find the right dentist for you is to schedule a free consultation and meet the doctor and the dental team. During your first appointment, our staff will warmly receive you, and we can give you a tour of our state-of-the-art San Antonio dental facility. We’ll ask about your medical history and any medications you are currently taking. We will also ask about your family’s dental history. This information is important in helping us determine what type of care you will need.

Dr. Thompson and her team will examine your teeth and gums if you have a checkup or teeth cleaning scheduled. We will look for any signs of decay or other problems. If we find anything, we can recommend a course of treatment.

Finally, we can talk to you about your oral hygiene habits. We can give you some helpful tips on how to brush and floss correctly. We may also recommend a specific type of toothpaste or mouthwash for you to use.


Skilled and Experienced Thousand Oaks Dentist 78232

Every patient is unique. That’s why Thousand Oaks Dental in San Antonio, Texas provides personalized care so you can feel comfortable and confident with your dental health.

Your dental goals are our dental goals at Thousand Oaks Dental. We’ll do everything we can to ensure your positive experience with us because we want you to be our lifelong patient! 

Request an appointment today on our website! We would love to see you at our office soon!

Thousand Oaks Cosmetic Dentist

Thousand Oaks Dental offers a variety of cosmetic dentistry procedures in Thousand Oaks to improve your smile, including teeth whitening, dental implants, and veneers. Our goal is to give you a beautiful and natural-looking smile that will make you feel confident in any situation. Our cosmetic dentistry can improve not only your appearance but your oral health. And even the popular cosmetic procedures with fast results are very affordable. Your treatment will be as comfortable and stress-free as possible because we use only the latest and greatest dental technology and techniques.


What is Cosmetic Dentistry, and What Procedures Are Available?

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that focuses on improving the appearance of a person’s teeth. Many different procedures fall under the umbrella of cosmetic dentistry, including teeth whitening, bonding, veneers, and braces.

Many people undergo cosmetic dental procedures to boost their confidence and improve their smile. If you are interested in cosmetic dentistry, consult Dr. Precious Thompson to find out which strategies will best fit your individual needs.

Although most people think of cosmetic dentistry as simply a way to improve the appearance of your teeth, it can also positively impact your oral health and function. For example, one standard procedure is teeth whitening. Teeth whitening can not only make your teeth look brighter and more attractive, but it can also help to remove surface stains that can lead to cavities.

In addition, cosmetic dentistry can help to correct alignment issues that can cause problems with chewing and speaking. As a result, cosmetic dentistry can not only improve the way you look, but it can also improve the function of your mouth.


Cosmetic Dentistry is an Investment in Your Smile

According to the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, the average cost of cosmetic dental procedures is $1,500. However, the price can vary depending on the specific procedure involved. For example, teeth whitening is often one of the most affordable options, with treatments costing as little as $100.

In contrast, procedures such as porcelain veneers can be more expensive. Ultimately, the cost of cosmetic dentistry will depend on your needs and preferences. But because cosmetic dentistry can improve oral aesthetics, health, and function, many patients consider the costs well worth it.

For some helpful cost estimates, schedule a consultation. During your consultation, our team will assess your individual needs and goals. We will examine your teeth and mouth and provide some excellent options available to you. We will also answer any questions you may have. By the end of the consultation, you should clearly understand what to expect from your procedure.

We’ll also be able to ensure you are an excellent cosmetic dentistry candidate during your consultation. First and foremost, patients should have generally healthy teeth and gums. In order to achieve the best results, it is also essential that patients have realistic expectations for what cosmetic dentistry can achieve. Patients should be committed to oral hygiene and be willing to follow their cosmetic dentist’s post-treatment care instructions. Those who meet these criteria are typically good candidates for cosmetic dentistry procedures such as teeth whitening, veneers, and bonding.


The Best Cosmetic Dentist in Thousand Oaks, TX

Achieve the look you desire while maintaining optimal oral health with cosmetic dentistry. We want you to feel confident about your smile – not just for now but for years to come.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Precious Thompson today! She’ll be happy to discuss the options available to you and help you choose the procedure that is right for you. We can’t wait to meet you and to help your smile shine with confidence!

What happens during a San Antonio Teeth Cleaning visit?

What to Expect During Your Teeth Cleaning Visit

A professional teeth cleaning service goes above and beyond the kind of cleaning you benefit from when you brush your teeth at home. But you might not be fully aware of what to expect from a teeth cleaning visit if it’s been a long time since you had it done. When you choose Thousand Oaks teeth cleaning, you’ll receive a service  that won’t let you down. Here’s more about what you can expect when you have your teeth cleaned by one of our professional dentists.


dental patient getting a teeth cleaningA Physical Exam

The first thing to take place is a physical exam. This is important as it enables your dentist to get a close look at your general oral health and spot any areas that require particular attention during the cleaning process. They might also spot other issues that require further examination. Either way, this is a vital place for the teeth cleaning process to begin at.


The Removal of Plaque and Tartar

Next, the dentist will begin the process of physically removing the plaque and tartar from the teeth. Special instruments are used to make this happen and it doesn’t take too long. Some of the areas of plaque and tartar can seem a little stubborn and that’s why it might take a little longer and a little extra effort to get it completely removed. It’s important that it is removed though.


Electric Brushing

Once the tartar and plaque has been scraped away by your dentist. They will begin the process of using an electronic brushing device to properly and comprehensively brush your teeth all over. Your dentist will be able to reach all the places that you have difficulty reaching when you’re brushing at home with your regular toothbrush.


Flossing and Rinsing

When the brushing is done with, your dentist will look to remove any debris from between your teeth using a careful process of flossing. Again, this is something that can be done in much more detail and with much more precision than you’re able to achieve when flossing at home in your bathroom. And that’s why it’s important to let your dentist do it during the teeth cleaning process. When the flossing is done with, your dentist will allow you to rinse your mouth and get rid of anything that shouldn’t be there.


Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride is nothing to be scared of; it’s a naturally occurring mineral that brings a variety of benefits to your teeth. Most importantly, fluoride helps to strengthen your teeth on the inside and outside, reducing the chances of problems such as tooth sensitivity and cavities emerging later on. Your dentist will therefore use fluoride to treat your teeth and complete this whole process.


The teeth cleaning service offered by Thousand Oaks Dental in San Antonio, Texas will enable you to feel much better about your dental health and hygiene. If you’re interested in receiving these services and having your teeth cleaned by a professional, get in touch with us today.

Dentist in the 78247 Zip Code

Are you looking for a reliable dentist or dental service in or around San Antonio, Texas? Thousand Oaks Dental has got you covered. Here are some facts that make Thousand Oaks Dental an ideal choice.

  • It is founded by Dr. Precious Thompson, to provide quality, convenient, and affordable dental care for San Antonio residents.
  • Together with her team, they have garnered several positive reviews from visitors to their facility. These reviews sing their praises and specifically applaud the upfront, honest, non-pushy and personable nature of Dr Thompson’s practice.
  • Their service comes with unique offers and promotions such as their free whitening, X-Ray, and cleaning services.
  • It is ranked the 5th best in the Best Dentist Reviews in San Antonio, Texas, by

Thousand Oaks Dental in San Antonio is one of the most reliable when it comes to local dental services. With dozens of highly-ranked dentists and dental clinics to choose from, finding the closest clinic near you should not be too difficult. However, if your issue has to do with service and not distance, you may be scratching your head and wondering what your best options are.

Things To Consider Before Choosing A Dentist

For most people already residing in San Antonio, their choice of a dental service provider may be influenced a lot by factors such as family preference, distance, recommendations, and online reviews. For a new resident, you’ll have to pay a lot of attention to not only the reviews and recommendations but also to factors such as cost, quality of service, value for money. A quick search online should give you enough info concerning what your best options should be.

Type Of Services Available
When searching for dentist 78247 online, look out for a local practice that offers an all-encompassing list of services. While some dental services specialize in only a few treatments and procedures, you may find yourself back online doing another dental search when your local cannot provide a specific treatment that you require. Therefore, be diligent and consider any potential dental requirements that you may need in future. With Thousand Oaks Dental and the wide array of services they offer, you certainly won’t find yourself looking elsewhere. Along with general dental assessments, there are other facilities such as dental implants, child dental care, dental examinations, and so many more.

Local Dental Heroes: Dr. Precious Thompson’s Thousand Oaks Dental
Thousand Oaks Dental, led by Dr. Precious Thompson, offers a wide range of dental solutions such as:

  • General dentistry
  • Periodontal (gum) care
  • Orthodontics
  • Cosmetic dentistry
  • Preventative dentistry
  • Restorative dentistry
  • Sedation dentistry
  • Emergency

Dr Thompson is surrounded by an able team of professionals who aim at putting the needs of every visitor first. They offer a personalized service that goes beyond mere care-giving. Each patient’s long term dental health becomes the prime concern as they seek to create a more personal service instead of just treating each patient as a new member. And, there are several positive reviews to back their services.

So, if you’re looking for dental service in 78247 San Antonio, there is a wide range of options to choose from. However, there are a lot of things to put into consideration before settling on a particular dentist. Dr. Precious Thompson’s Thousand Oaks Dental is one of the most reliable options worth considering.

Thousand Oaks Dental is Your Dentist in San Antonio

Finding a dentist that you love and trust in San Antonio, Texas, can be a challenge. While all dental practices have to meet certain minimum requirements, there can be vast differences in the quality of patient care from one to the next. Some establishments do the bare minimum, while others go out of their way to ensure patient satisfaction.

If you’re looking for a San Antonio dentist, then you’ve come to the right place. Thousand Oaks dental gives you what you’ve always wanted from a dentist: a friendly, reliable, safe, and patient-focused service that offers the latest treatments. 

Why Thousand Oaks Should Be Your San Antonio Dentist

Patients in San Antonio are learning that there is a vast difference in the quality of patient care offered by different dentists across the city. While some, like Thousand Oaks, provide comprehensive services, others don’t, creating confusion, annoyance, and referrals. 

Thousand Oaks offers a wide range of treatments, including general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, periodontal care, preventative medicine, sedation dentistry, restorative dentistry, and emergency care. The comprehensive service that we offer means that you can get all your dental treatment in-house: there’s no need to travel to another clinic. This fact means that you can build relationships with individual dentists at a single practice without having to go to new and unfamiliar places for treatment. 

If you want a beautiful smile, then Thousand Oaks is the ideal San Antonio dentist. We offer a wide variety of techniques designed to boost the appearance of your teeth and help you feel more confident. 

Veneers are one of our most popular procedures. We place a small, nail-sized piece of porcelain over the front of your teeth to cover up misshapen teeth, chips, and discoloration. 

You can also get composite fillings. These fillings don’t look like traditional amalgam. Instead, they’re white, just like the surrounding teeth, making them practically invisible while protecting you from further decay. 

With us, you can also get porcelain crowns, teeth whitening, and cosmetic bonding (if you want to close the gaps between your teeth). 

Thousand Oaks Is Your Dentist in San Antonio, Texas

Thousand Oaks Dental is a dental practice with a difference. It’s not just about the treatments themselves (although these are important), but also about the experience too. We want you to feel like you’ve come to a home away from home. That’s why we offer plush seating, beautiful surroundings, and friendly staff. 

We also understand that you want a dental practice in San Antonio that is available to provide care at times that are convenient for you. While many clinics insist that you get the treatment that you need during regular office hours, Monday to Friday, we don’t. With our flexible opening times, you’re able to get the treatment that you need fast, and at a time that’s convenient for you. 

So, in conclusion, what have we learned? We’ve discovered that Thousand Oaks, a dentist in San Antonio, Texas, offers a comprehensive and patient-focused service. We’ve also found out that the practice provides a variety of state-of-the-art treatments all under one roof. Both of these factors should make it your first choice. 

FAQs About Tooth Extraction Aftercare in San Antonio, TX

Tooth extraction – this is often the most dreaded procedure of many people. Whenever a dentist recommends a person for tooth removal, the typical responses are fear and negligence. Thousand Oaks Dental understands that not everyone is determined enough to undergo teeth extractions, that is why we make use of the different means to provide them with a smooth dental experience. Our dentist secures the patient’s comfort by administering local anesthesia on the affected site before starting the procedure.


General Dentistry


Teeth extractions are pain-free indeed. However, patients may still encounter discomfort during their recovery period that usually lasts for a few days or weeks. We want you to be prepared. With that, we answer some of the frequently asked questions about tooth extraction aftercare.

How to alleviate swelling?

It is normal for the treated area to swell after the procedure. Swelling usually lasts for two to three days. There is no need to panic. Simply get an ice pack and place it on the side of the cheek where the surgery took place. Apply the cold compress for 15 minutes, wait for another 15 minutes before putting the ice pack back on. Repeat the process for one to two hours.

What to eat after teeth extractions?

Switching to a soft diet is best. Try eating mashed potatoes, soup, oatmeal, smoothies, and yogurts instead of crunchy snacks. Remember that a day following the procedure, the newly treated site is still sensitive and vulnerable.

What are things to avoid?

Certain practices and habits need to be stopped to hasten the healing process. The following are some of the things that the person should ditch:

  • Smoking
  • Drinking with straw
  • Strenuous activities
  • Poking the affected area with toothpick or tongue


How to treat bleeding?

Keep the gauze provided by the dentist intact. Like swelling, bleeding of the extraction site is normal. However, if it persists, try placing a wet tea bag. The properties present in black tea can assist with the clotting process.


If you encounter serious problems while recovering, call us at Thousand Oaks Dental immediately. For more information about Tooth Extraction in San Antonio, TX, visit us at 2235 Thousand Oaks Dr. Suite 120 San Antonio, TX 78232.

Know About the Adverse Effects of Sleep Apnea – San Antonio, TX

Been having restless nights and tiring days? Did a bed partner or a family member accuse you of producing irritating sounds at night? These may be symptoms of sleep apnea! It is a disorder that causes a person to pause breathing for a few seconds to a few minutes when sleeping. Although sleep apnea may sound harmless, it is a condition that should not be disregarded.
Sleep apnea episodes can occur up to a hundred times a night! The number of episodes or interruptions varies depending on the extremity of the disorder. Patients who have mild sleep apnea can experience 5 to 14 episodes of breathing pauses in an hour, while moderate sufferers experience 15 to 30 episodes per hour and those with severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea experiences 30 and more episodes in an hour. Do know that pauses in breathing causes the oxygen levels in the blood to drop, so you can imagine how harmful sleep apnea is to one’s health.


General Dentistry

Here are some of the common side-effects of sleep apnea a patient could experience:

  • The condition prevents sufferers from getting sufficient amount of sleep needed to keep the body and mind healthy. Sufferers are more likely to encounter the adverse effects of sleep deprivation to their overall wellness, relationships, and performances.
  • Although there are no official conclusions, links are suggesting the connection between sleep apnea and systemic health problems like depression, cardiac arrests, type two diabetes, tumors (cancerous), silent strokes, and pregnancy complications.
  • There are some instances that those who have sleep apnea also have bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching disorder). These conditions increase one’s risk of damage to the enamel, headaches, TMJ disorder, and toothaches.
  • Sleep apnea is usually associated with snoring that can cause the mouth to dry during sleep. Since there is no means to replenish the lost saliva during this time, the structures in the mouth remain unprotected.
  • Constant and extended exposure to dry mouth gradually dries out the sockets of the teeth. If left unattended it could cause the teeth to loosen and eventually fall out.

At Thousand Oaks Dental, we help our patients who experience the adverse effects of sleep apnea by offering a special oral appliance. The primary focus of the device is to shift the jaws and hold the soft tissues at the back of the throat in place. It is to prevent the episodes of sleep apnea from occurring for patients to get their much-needed rest.


If you’re suffering from a sleep disorder that causes breathing pauses, then it may be Sleep Apnea! Book your appointment immediately at Thousand Oaks Dental for Sleep Apnea treatment in San Antonio, TX.