ClearCorrect San AntonioGetting a straight, beautiful smile has never been easier. With ClearCorrect invisible aligners, you can quickly and discretely align your smile. No need for painful wires, brackets and bands – ClearCorrect aligners are transparent plastic that fit over your teeth and adjust your smile into place. Thousand Oaks Dental in San Antonio is proud to offer premium orthodontics, including ClearCorrect, to our patients that want a healthier, straighter smile.

ClearCorrect aligners are specially made for your teeth, gently repositioning teeth that are out of alignment. The process can take anywhere from a few months to a few years, depending on the orthodontic issues you have. Every few weeks you are fitted for a new set of aligners that gradually move your teeth into the correct position. The great part is that they are clear so that they are almost invisible to others while you get the smile you have always wanted.

Invisible Braces that Work!

You don’t need metal to adjust your teeth. ClearCorrect uses clear aligners that can achieve the same results as most braces that require constant adjustments and repairs. The results are the same for many common orthodontic issues, whether you use ClearCorrect or metal braces – the difference is the experience. ClearCorrect aligners are removable, allowing you to eat sticky foods that get stuck in metal braces. You can take out your aligners, enjoy your meal, brush/floss your teeth and put your aligners back in again. You just need to wear them at least 22 hours a day to get results.

So what makes ClearCorrect different than other clear orthodontic options? For one, they are often more affordable while offering the same great results. Another benefit is that they are made right here in Texas, unlike other products that are made all over the world.

Are you ready to get the straight, healthy smile you deserve without the need for uncomfortable, embarrassing metal braces? Contact Thousand Oaks Dental today to learn more about ClearCorrect aligners.