Fear and anxiety in dentistry are attributed to the dentist, dental procedures, and even a dental chair! Today, patients do not have to worry about going to the dentist and receive a dental treatment because of Sedation Dentistry. Sedatives are given to patients to overcome stress, fear, and anxiousness to make oral treatments more comfortable and less of a hassle. Here at Thousand Oaks Dental, we use Nitrous Oxide as a form of sedative to make sure that our patients will have favorable dental experience.

The treatment has been around and used for decades, but some patients do not realize that is a great option when having a dental procedure.

Nitrous Oxide, or most commonly known as laughing gas, is an odorless and colorless gas that is regulated through a small mask which fits over the nose. The gas mixed with oxygen is inhaled by the patient to feel calm, relaxed, and fully comfortable. Nitrous Oxide is often used with local anesthesia to ensure that the patient is fully relaxed without triggering any negative emotions. Dentists use this type of sedation especially for those patients who are too afraid of needles.


Advantages of Nitrous Oxide

  • Patients can stay awake and aware, making them responsive during the treatment which reduces their anxiousness
  • Most patients tolerate nitrous oxide well
  • It takes effect faster and also wears off fast
  • Quickly leaves the system once the mask is removed
  • Proven safe and effective for both adults and children

Nitrous Oxide is the most widely used gas-form anesthetic under sedation dentistry because of its advantages. These make Nitrous Oxide an effective and useful option for both the dentist and patient alike.

Who are Candidates for Nitrous Oxide?

  • Patients who get scared or anxious about dental visits
  • For those who need a complex procedure which requires longer treatment duration
  • Those patients who are unable to stay still on a dental chair
  • People who have a strong gag reflex that may disrupt the dental procedure
  • People who fear needles or other dental apparatus

Quick Facts about Nitrous Oxide

  • Nitrous Oxide is used in food industries as well; used as a propellant in cooking spray, makes bags of chips puffy, and give aerosol whipped cream volume.
  • It was called “laughing gas” because of the euphoric effect it gives when inhaled.
  • Nitrous oxide used in dentistry is a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen with a 70:30 ratio respectively.
  • There are types of scented Nitrous Oxide that can be provided to make it more interesting for patients.
  • No one is allergic to nitrous oxide making it safe for everyone.

A smile is more than just an appearance. A healthy mouth is a vital aspect of the body’s overall health. Do not allow dental anxiety and worry to hinder you from attaining a healthy and perfect smile you want.


Nitrous Oxide makes dental experiences less stressful. Everyone deserves an anxious-free, comfortable dental experience. Avail of our Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry in San Antonio, TX. Book your appointment with us at Thousand Oaks Dental.